Explore Exclusive Wallpapers
Discover our stunning collection of wallpapers, curated to transform any room into a work of art. From bold, contemporary designs to timeless, classic patterns, our wallpapers are carefully selected to suit a wide range of tastes and styles. Whether you’re looking to make a statement with vibrant colors and intricate details or create a calming atmosphere with subtle textures and neutral tones, our diverse range has something for every space.
Each wallpaper is crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and a flawless finish that enhances the beauty of your home.
Let our collection inspire your next interior design project.
Works of Art
Cover a whole room or opt for unique statement wall designs, explore exclusive artist collaboration collections.
Timeless Designs
From contemporary to classic, our selection includes designs that complement any interior style.
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Wallpapers to Inspire
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Schedule a free in-home consultation to explore our extensive collection of wallpapers & wallcoverings with the help & advice of our sales team.
Explore Our Collections at Home
At Curtains Direct, we offer a curated selection of exlusive & unique wallpapers and wallcoverings from renowned brands such as Sanderson, Harlequin, Morris & Co., and Scion Living.
Please note that our wallpapers are not available for purchase through the website.
However, you can view our samples during a free in-home consultation. Our expert team will guide you through the options to find exactly what you are looking for.
(061) 355 974 / 087 633 1166